Deferred Examinations 2022

For the 2022 Leaving Certificate, it has been announced that a second sitting of the Leaving Certificate will be provided with access strictly limited to students unable to sit one or more papers in the main sitting in June on grounds of serious medical reasons and due to close family bereavement.  For the 2022 examinations  candidates with Covid-19 or with symptoms of Covid-19, will also have access to a deferred sitting of the examinations. 

Please see below three important documents setting out details of the deferred examinations series.  These documents are:

  1. Sec Circular S34/22 outlining the Deferred Examination series

  2. Addendum to the Deferred Examination series outlining the Covid-19 criteria

  3. Information for Candidates and Parents/Guardians on the Deferred examination - (Extract from the Leaving Certificate Candidate Information Guide. The full guide will issue later this week).

6th Yrs Information

Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s) and Student(s)

We are delighted to welcome back our 6th year students on Monday March 1st.

Please read the letter , available also to download below. Each student must return a School Declaration Form and bring it to school on Monday 1st.

Assessment Arrangements document only applies to the Leaving Certificate. Guide to State Examinations document attached and a document with some of the key points on it summarised. Spring Assessment Timetable and letter from DCMO.