
The main way to communicate with parents/guardians at school is through VSware App.

It's very important to Download the app and Turn on notifications on your phone, so you will not miss any Attendance notification or other important information sent for you and your child from School.

We believe you will find this app very useful as you can view/edit your child's attendance, view reports, messages and pay fees.


Please follow instructions on how to Download the app on your phone and Turn on Notifications: https://support.vsware.ie/en/parent-app-downloading-and-logging-in.

If you have forgotten your password for VSware please click "Create/Reset new password" on the login screen.


You can send Absence/Signing out/Late note through VSware app, please see instructions here: https://support.vsware.ie/parent-app-attendance.

You can also pay fees through the VSware app as well, please see instructions here: https://support.vsware.ie/en/parent-app-fees-notes.


Subject Choice for the next year - Please choose Student Options to enter subject choices in order of preference.

More information: https://support.vsware.ie/parent-app-notes-options .

If you have any problems, please call us on 0906432267 or email info@mercyballymahon.ie.
