Agreed Statement from BOM meeting 13 November 2018

Board of Management


In Attendance: Mary Kenny, Josephine Donohue, Christy Mannion, Sr. Una Purcell, Frances

Sheehan , Martha O’Reilly, John Dromey, Mark Casey.

Apologies from: Una Tierney.

● Minutes proposed from previous meeting.

● Academic tracking and subject tracking assigned as new APII post

● New AP1 Post has been granted in 2018/2019 Schedule of Posts. This will be


● Review of Health and Safety policy has begun.

● Alliance Insurance are conducting advisory visits for health and safety in post

primary schools.

● The Admissions Policy was reviewed in line with new Admissions Bill.

● A generous gift of 1.5 Acres has been given by the Sisters of Mercy to the School.

Legal transfer of property has started. BOM is very grateful for the gift. This field is

adjacent to the School campus.

● James Hughes met the Finance Sub Committee to present the Accounts for the Year

ending August 31 st , 2018.

● The Board congratulated all the teams and coaches on their success to date.

Date for next meeting Dec 18