Welcome back to Mercy Ballymahon Artist of The Week Initiative for the academic year 2017/18. The Artist of the week spot showcases the students work and salutes them for their artistic achievement.
September has seen some amazing talent within the school, congratulations to our creative students who are the September artists of the week 2017.
Aidan O' Ceallagh a 5th year student for his vibrant reproduction of The Cubist Painting Houses at L'Estaque by George Braques. Aidan created this with colouring crayons in great detail. Well done Aidan!
Chloe Freeman, 5th year art student who created this technically brilliant portrait drawing in pencil. Chloe's use of pencil to create the figure is excellent, using tones and detail to create a beautiful piece of art.
Well done Chloe!
Luke Mulvihill 3rd year art student for his excellent object drawing of an apple created on pencil.
Well done Luke!
Conor Gibson 5th year art student for his excellent portrait painting using acrylics. His loose brush strokes and application of paint is excellent.
Well done Conor!