Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s) and Student(s)
I am delighted to welcome our Leaving cert students back into the school building on Monday March 15th.
This letter is to inform you about the procedures for 5th year students returning to school.
• New Procedure: It is extremely important that you fill in the Return to School Declaration Form: This is available at bottom of this page and after completion just press submit. Without this form students will not be allowed to attend class until we contact each parent/guardian who hasn’t returned the completed form.
To prevent introduction and Spread of COVID-19 in Schools
1. Students are to self-isolate or restrict their movements at home if they display any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and contact their family doctor to arrange a test
2. Students must not return to or attend school in the event of the following:
• if they are identified by the HSE as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
• if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
• If they have travelled outside of Ireland; in such instances students must consult and follow latest Government advice in relation to foreign travel.
3. Students must cooperate with any public health officials and the school for contact tracing purposes and follow any
Public Health advice in the event of a case or outbreak in the school.
1. On your return to school for the next 2 weeks, 5th year students will occupy the upper building while the 6th years are in the lower building. You will be in the rooms used by the 1st year students. At break and lunch, students move out of classrooms and all windows will be left open so that the rooms can be well ventilated.
2. Social distance must be maintained throughout the day and especially at break and lunch. All benches are marked with tape to show where you can sit. You must be one metre apart. 5th years will have access to the Study hall , courtyard front courts and courtyard .
3. Social distance must be maintained throughout the day and especially at break and lunch. All benches are marked with tape to show where you can sit. You must be one metre apart. 5th years will have access to the Study hall, Courtyard front courts and outdoor seating between the two buildings.
4. Mask wearing is essential. I strongly recommend that you have a plastic bag for your mask. It is a good idea to have a clean spare mask with you also. You should wear a mask when you are on the bus or on the street. Please do not linger in shops or gather in groups outside the shops. If possible bring in a lunch with you so you do not have to go to the shop.
5. Lollipops cannot be used as an excuse to leave your mask off.
I want to remind everyone of the importance of hand sanitising and hand washing. Please do so as often as possible, especially when entering and leaving rooms. Before and after eating.
Your desk and chair must be wiped down at the end of each class.
Please follow correct coughing and sneezing etiquette.
During the 9am class on Monday, you will be reminded of all the necessary measures to ensure we all remain safe. You will be reshown the safety videos.
We all need to work together to ensure we all stay safe so that the school will stay open for the remainder of the school year. We are looking forward to having all our 5th years back in the building.
Yours sincerely,
Josephine Donohue