Our school is taking part in a New European Digital Schools Award, SELFIE. This programme is designed to help schools embed and develop the use of innovative digital technologies for teaching, learning and assessment. This week, management, teachers and students will complete phase 1 of the programme, a whole school evaluation on our use of digital technologies. We are very excited to be a part of this new programme.
Last Friday 11th December we said a huge ‘Go Raibh Maith Agaibh” to everybody in the school community as part of NAPD’s #GRMA day. Returning to school this academic year has been challenging for everyone but we have all risen to that challenge. Our #GRMA day video was created to thank our students and teachers, our Principal Ms Donohue and our Vice-Principal Mr Kenny, our parents, our SNAs, our caretaker John, our secretaries, our cleaners, our bus drivers and everyone in the wider Ballymahon Community. Thank you all for working together to keep our school community safe.
Student council
The student council has been busy planning an end of term whole school quiz which will take place in the school on December 17th. This week 6th year representative Lavender McCormack facilitated a cookery demonstration for 1st and 6th year students. This was part of our ‘Best Buddies’ programme in the school which sees 6th year students being paired up with 1st year students to help them throughout their first year in the school.
Poetry Competition
Well done to Transition Year students Zara Moran, Anna Dowd, Anna Moran, Abbey Doherty, Lorna Quinn, Ella Hogan and Ellyn Montgomery who designed and facilitated a poetry workshop for first year students. The students have all written Christmas themed poems and the TYs will choose and announce their competition winners this week.
Green schools
This year’s Green Schools Committee members are Subi Deko, Mia Rowan and Nikol Zimocha (1st year), Grace Daly and Terri Kemple (2nd year), Kiera Dunican, Alannah Hannan, Tanna Kruger and Aisling Lane (3rd year), Isabella Fabia Silva Santos, Kira O'Meara and Rachel Ugboko (5th year) and Midia Khalaf, Norris Phillips and Killian Reid (6th year). Thank you to Mr. Burke for organising this committee. Green Schools is a fantastic initiative which encourages our whole school to work together with a vision for a sustainable future.
TY activities
It has been another busy week for our Transition Year students. Two of our classes attended Lilliput adventure centre, Co. Westmeath, on Wednesday and Thursday last. In spite of the cold December conditions, great fun was had by all. Students have also been hosting a range of sporting activities for our 2nd years at lunch time and are excelling in this mentoring role.
Old Convent Visit
Ms. Casey’s 6th year Geography class visited the old convent building on Tuesday 8th December. Thanks to Breda Greaves for facilitating the tour as part of the students’ Leaving Certificate Geography field studies.
Credit union Art competition
‘Imagine More’: Fantastic Artwork by 1st year Mercy Ballymahon student Wiktoria Bialoszewska who has been awarded first prize in the Mullingar Credit Union Art Competition.
Congratulations to first year art student Wiktoria Bialoszewska who has been awarded first prize in the Mullingar Credit Union Art Competition in the age category 11-13. The theme for the competition was ‘Imagine More’. Wiktoria will attend a prize giving ceremony in Mullingar Credit Union on Saturday 19th December to receive her award.