Mercy Ballymahon Notes

School notes - 28/10/2022

Open Night

Thank you to all 6th class pupils and their parents/ guardians who visited the school last Thursday for our open night. There was a fantastic buzz around the school and we were delighted to see so many in attendance. Application for Admission can now be accessed on Closing Date for Application for Admission is Friday the 25th of November @ 5:00PM.

Top of the Pops!

Ticket sales are underway for our TY production which takes place from 15th-17th November. This year’s theme is Top of the Pops! Tickets will be available again after midterm from our school office. Make sure to check out our social media platforms to see the excitement building in the run up to the best week of the school calendar!

Trick or Treat

Thank you to all staff and students who once again made a terrifyingly good effort to dress up last Friday for our Trick or Treat fundraiser. Proceeds from the day will go to Temple Street Children’s Health Foundation! Special thank you goes to Ms Fitzmaurice who organised the event. 

Team Hope Shoebox Appeal

A reminder to all students that our Donation Day for the Christmas Shoebox Appeal will take place on Tuesday November 8th. Please bring your filled shoeboxes to school that day in preparation for them being collected by Team Hope.

Subject Learning Review

Teachers are looking forward to meeting 6th year students along with their parents at our next SLR Parent-Teacher Meetings which will take place on Thursday November 10th.  Details of review meetings for other year groups to follow.

Sports news

Our Senior Boys Gaelic footballers had a very useful challenge V Marist College, Athlone, on Friday last. This leaves them in good stead for their Championship which begins after midterm. On Thursday last our 1st year boys travelled to Clonguish GAA to participate in a Longford GAA blitz. Well done to our teams and their coaches Mr McCormack and Mr Jones. Hard luck to our U14 Boys GAA team and U16 girls LGFA team who were defeated last week by Granard and Rochfortbridge respectively. Meanwhile, in Basketball, our U16&U19 girls faced Naas. Hard luck to our U16s who lost on the day and well done to our U19s who were victorious and now progress to the semi-finals of the competition. 


After a busy term here in Mercy Ballymahon, we hope that all staff and students are enjoying a  well-earned midterm break.