Leinster Winners
Congratulations to our U16 Girls fooball Leinster Winners after a brilliant come back. Well done!
Mock Exams Timetables
Download timetables:
Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Well done to our 1st year students who were involved in the cake sale for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal. A huge effort was made from making posters, baking to organising a hugely successful cake sale and raising a total of €295 on Friday 14th October.
Well done to all!!
Mercy Ballymahon Notes
Notes By: Aoife Kavanagh and Emer Tyrrell
Well done to our senior and U16boys’ basketball teams who beat Kells last week. Thanks to their coaches Mr. Dempsey and Ms. Carr
Commiserations to our senior soccer team who lost their first game to Athlone Community College last week. Thanks to Mr. Broderick and Mr. Burke for training the teams.
Hard luck to our U16 boys’ football team and their coaches Mr. Seery and Mr. McCormack who were beaten by St. Mels recently.
Three first year boys’ football teams enjoyed a blitz held in Clonguish. Thanks to Mr. Kenny for coaching the teams and to the transition year students, Cian Belton, Oran Kenny, Jason Coughlan, Aidan O’Cealleagh and David Doherty who helped him on the day.
Good luck to our Concern debating consisting of Conor O’Brien, Dennis Hebron, Emer Tyrell, Aaron O Connor, Gary Sherdian, Neil Kilbane, Brendan Mc Keown, Niamh Dennehy and Conor English who are preparing for the first round of the concern debates away to Kilbeggan on Wednesday 12th October. Thanks to Ms. Towey and Ms. Matthews for mentoring the team.
Lunchtime Clubs:
On Tuesdays the Creative Writing group meet in room 29 with Ms. McCann and Mr. O Gara. The Junior debating league has started in room 29 at lunchtime. On Thursdays the board games club meet in room 29 with Mr. O Gara.
Thanks to Ms. Nevin who organises “Ciorcal Cáinte” in room 21at lunch time on Fridays. This is a chance for our senior students to prepare for their oral Irish Leaving Certificate exam.
The Christmas Shoe box appeal is beginning and Ms. Ryan, Ms. Bruton and Ms. Towey are looking for small non-perishable goods, toys or educational resources that fit into a shoe box. These need to be ready for collection on Nov 11.
Green Schools meetings and work is going on in pursuit of the Green flag. The first, second and transition year students are involved in an art poster awareness campaign to help promote proper use of recycling bins around the school. Thanks to Mr. Burke for all his hard work.
Mocktober exams for third and sixth years take place during week 17th to 21st of October. Good luck to all our students. The Junior Cert Art mock exam has been completed.
Auditions are taking place for acts for the upcoming school show which takes place from Thursday November 17th to Saturday November 19th.
Thought for the week.
Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it. (Lou Holtz)
Mercy Ballymahon Notes
Notes By: By Cian Belton, Kian Gilmore and Jamie Bermingham.
School Mass:
For the first time in our school’s history all our students and staff would not fit into St. Matthews Church, Ballymahon at the same time. As a result we had two Opening of the School Year Masses. We celebrated school mass for second to sixth year students on Friday September 23rd as we celebrated Mercy Day in honour of our founding sisters. This was followed on Wednesday September 28th with school mass for the first years. Thanks to Fr. Liam for celebrating the two masses. Thanks to the choirs and Ms. Malone for her work in preparing the music for both ceremonies and to the religion teachers.
Congratulations to Conor Beirne who received a prestigious Naughton Scholarship at an Awards Ceremony in Trinity College on Saturday 24th. Conor won the award based on his excellent science and maths subject results in his Leaving Certificate exam and his personal Statement. Conor is studying Engineering in U.C.D. This is the third year in a row that one of our students has been awarded the Naughton Scholarship.
Congratulations to Patrick Flanagan who has won a JP McManus All Ireland Scholarship Award. Patrick is studying Economics and Finance in U.C.D. Patrick will receive his award on Saturday 19th November
Congratulations to our U16 girls’ football team who got off to a winning start this year with a victory against Mercy Navan in Navan last Tuesday. Thanks to their coaches Mr. Bohan and Ms. McCann. Congratulations to our Senior girls’ football team who beat the Bower Athlone last Wednesday. Thanks to their managers Mr. Munds and Mr. Bohan.
Our U16 boys’ basketball team beat Lusk last Tuesday. Thanks to their coach Mr.Dempsey.
Two of our girls’ basketball teams played Virginia last week. Hard luck to U16’s who lost. Well done to the U19’s who won their game. Thanks to their coaches Mr. Dempsey and Ms. Carr.
Transition Year:
Last week all TY classes had a talk from Youth Connect. Also Sadie Wheatley spoke with some transition year students about ideas for their mini companies. Two Ty classes have met with actor Alan Devin. Alan gave a Personal Development workshop which included ideas on speaking in front of other people.
All transition year students attended the Ger Carey show “Physco Spagetti” in the Back Stage theatre, on Monday 26th. This is a comic look into the life of a teenager. Thanks to their English teachers Ms. Gaffney, Ms. Daly and Ms. Towey for attending the show with them.
Thanks to Sean Donohue, Cronan Flood, Sam Maxwell and Dylan Farrell for helping out at the homework club in the Ballymahon primary School last week Also thanks to Lochlann Healy, Conall Mc Kiernan, Rory Howlin, Sean Donohoe, Cronan Flood, Dylan Farrell and Sam Maxwell for attending the Day Care centre last week.
We wish all our transition year students good luck in their work experience from 3rd to 7th October. Thanks to all the employers who support our students in providing the employment during the week.
Table Quiz Night:
A table quiz night is being organised by our Parents’ Association on Friday 14th October in the school gym. The quiz will begin at 8pm. Tommy Cunningham and Ray Dolan will be hosting the show. Tables will have four members. Each table will cost €40 per table, but a student table will only cost €20. During the interval Katie Gallagher and Caillte a band composed of past and current pupils Mark McCormack, Patrick Flanagan, Jonathan Nally, Conor Beirne, Oisín Bennett, Áine McLoughlin, Ciara Casey and Conor O Brien and Kate Beirne will be providing the entertainment for the night. There will also be a raffle during the interval. All funds raised will go to Mercy Secondary School Ballymahon.
Special visitors
Longford Ladies with Mercy Ballymahon students celebrating All Ireland win
On Tuesday 27 we welcomed some very special guests to the school- members of the victorious All Ireland winning Longford Junior Ladies Football team. They included past pupils Geraldine McManus, Claire Delaney, Michelle McCormack and Emer Dooley. Congrats to our other past pupils who were also on the team-Sarah Madden, Sarah Shannon and Michelle Noonan. It was a fantastic achievement. Congrats to all involved.
Other news:
Thanks to all the parents of first year students who attended the information meeting in the school last Tuesday 12th September. Thanks to Ms. Donohue, Mr. Walsh, Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Larkin for giving the information. Also thanks to Angela Egan from Midland Area Parenting Partnership who gave a very informative presentation on ‘Raising Competent Teenagers’..
Our first and second years attended a show called “Bin it” on Wednesday about the importance of disposing of chewing gum correctly.
Thought for the week:
The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. John Ruskin