iPads, eBooks, Books and School Book Grant scheme 2019/2020

22nd May 2019,

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

I am writing to you regarding arrangements for iPads, eBooks, Books and information about our School Book Grant scheme.

As was mentioned at our information night, we work with a company called Wriggle Learning. Details can be found at www.wriggle.ie. This company supplies, configures and manages the devices within our school to ensure it is a safe, effective and engaging learning environment. Devices for incoming first years not managed by Wriggle Learning are not allowed to be used in our school. The Wriggle online store (Login store code 36159216) opened on Friday May 3rd and was due to close on Monday June 10th. After consultation with Wriggle the closing date has now been extended to Friday July 5th. This will allow you buy the iPad, services and eBooks your child will require. There will be an option there for you to purchase insurance for the device also. It is important to note that orders placed after the closing date will incur a €50 late fee and your son’s/daughter’s iPad and books may be delivered late.

Note** By purchasing your books from Wriggle, a hard copy of each book will be supplied along with the eBook on the iPad. This decision was taken after consultation with parents. Also, this year Wriggle are delivering iPad’s and textbooks to the address given on your order.

If your child will not be using an iPad, books may be purchased from book shops while some may be purchased second hand. (See booklist).

Finally, if you receive an eBook voucher under the Book Voucher Scheme, Please use the code on the voucher during your ordering process on the Wriggle website.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Kenny

Deputy Principal