School notes - 29/04/2022
Religion retreats
On Wednesday last our 2nd year students, along with their religion teachers and year head, travelled to Knock Shrine for a religious retreat. Our 3rd years also took part in an in-school retreat on Thursday with ALPS representative Frank Diamond. The retreats touched on a number of different themes including faith, belief, resilience, love and the treatment of others. Thank you to our RE department for organising.
TY activities
Last week, our Transition Year students were delighted to take part in An Taisce’s National Spring Clean. They also took part in a PAL/DDP law workshop. On the day, three barristers visited the school and students engaged in a full day workshop about how our legal system works and also participated in Mock Trials. Thank you to Mr Seery for organising.
Mercy Ballymahon students participate in An Taisce’s National Spring Clean 2022.
Digital Learning Event
Well done to Mr Kenny and Ms Noone who participated in the Wriggle and Google for Education ElevatED event in the Google Foundry building in Dublin last week. Both Mr Kenny and Ms Noone took to the stage to take part in a panel discussion on “Developing a Digital Learning plan to meet the changing needs of your school”, giving an insight into how our digital practices have developed and evolved over the last number of years here in Mercy SS. The school is delighted to have been part of this excellent event.
School Trip
Last week our Narnia and Bláthú classes travelled to Causey farm, Co. Meath, for their annual school tour. The students had a wonderful time seeing and feeding the animals, making soda bread and trying some bodhrán playing! Thank you to their teachers and SNAs for accompanying them on the day.
School Tour time! Students from Mercy Ballymahon’s Bláthú and Narnia classes enjoy a day at Causey Farm, Co, Meath.