School notes - 09/09/2021
Welcome Back
We were delighted to welcome our growing staff and student body back to the school after the summer holidays. We welcome especially our 1st year pupils who begin their journey as Mercy Ballymahon students as well as all new staff members. We wish our whole school community a safe and enjoyable year.
Leaving Certificate 2022
Congratulations to the 118 students from the class of 2022 who achieved outstanding Leaving Cert results. Two of our students attained 625 points, 25% of our students received 500 points or more, 60% of our students achieved 400 points or more with a fantastic 85.5% of our students receiving 300 or more points. We are very proud of the achievements of all of our students and wish them every success in their chosen paths.
Best Buddies
Last week our 1st and 6th year pupils were matched as part of our Best Buddies programme. This programme enables our 6th year students to act as mentors to our 1st year pupils. Part of their role is to support their younger buddies as they settle into secondary school.
Transition Year 22/23
Last week this year’s Transition Year classes enjoyed their first trip to Lilliput Adventure Centre. An excellent day of activities, team-bonding and fun was had by all.
Mercy Ballymahon Transition Year students kick off the year at Lilliput Adventure Centre, Co. Westmeath.
Mercy Ballymahon Transition Year students Daniel Galvin and Carly Flood prepare poached eggs in the kitchen as part of the Future Leaders programme.